PixiJS Particle Emitter: The Unauthorized Manual

All of this information is in the source on GitHub. To know more, dig into the source.

I’m repackaging it as a convenience.

The Fundamentals

Getting Started

Basics to get up and running with the PixiJS Particle Emitter.

Particle Emitter Configuration

Understand the initial configuration options for particle emitters.

Particle Emitter Easing

Defining your own easing function for particle emitters.

Particle Emitter Lists

Lists define how values change over time. They have some quirks.

Behaviors - Spawn

Spawn Point

The most dependable of behaviors. It's a single spawn point.

Spawn Burst

Enabling regular spacing between emission angles from a point or ring

Spawn Shape

Sets the shape of the spawn area for particles.

Behaviors - Motion

Move Speed Static

Controls particle movement speed.

Move Speed

Controls particle variable movement speed.

Move Acceleration

Applies a constant acceleration force to particles

Move Path

Applies a constant acceleration force to particles

Behaviors - Emitter Rotation

No Rotation

Blocks particle emitter spawn rotation, and sets desired rotation.

Rotation Static

Controls particle emitter rotation.

Behaviors - Appearance


Sets particle initial size, and size over time.

Color Static

Allows setting a single hex value for all emitted particles.


Allows changing emitted particle color over time.

Alpha Static

Controls a single alpha property of emitted particles


Controls the alpha (transparency) property of particles

Blend Mode

Controls how particles appear when over other elements

Behaviors - Textures

Texture Single

Assign one to all particles.

Texture Random

Assign a random texture, from an array of textures, to each particle.

Texture Ordered

Assign a sequence of textures, from an array of textures, to each particle.

Animated Single

Assigns a single animation to each particle.

Animated Random

Assigns a random animation to each particle.